Whether you know it or not rolling mills probably play a big role in your life. Rolling mills are industrial complexes where metals are flattened between to rollers, or in some cases turned into wires. From aluminum foil to the steel that makes up your car, you have likely come into contact with a product that was at one point inside a rolling mill.
As any EPA intern worth his testing vials can tell you, these mills also have harmful chemicals on hand as part of the waste that comes from the creation of any pure metal. As such the decommissioning and eventual demolition of a rolling mill requires significant testing and experience to mitigate the existing environmental threat. Cambria Contracting Inc. is capable of handling all of these steps.
Let's take Cambria Contracting's experience with an asset reduction plant in Hannibal, Ohio. A daunting 800,000 sq. ft. compound, this reduction facility had it all. Traditional concrete, asbestos in almost everything, tons of universal waste, mercury, and hazardous waste such as oils, grease and soot residue. This plant had long stood on the outskirts of Hannibal OH and many archaic building materials used at its inception now required the specialties that Cambria Contracting offered.
The first part of Cambria Contracting's task was to decommission and demolish the casting house. Decommissioning took time as the asbestos abatement had to remove the pipe insulation, caulk, mastic and other debris in a special containment room which captures the asbestos fibers in a safe room. After that the casting house was ready to be torn down. Using Cambria Contracting's heavy machinery this was done quickly.
The next phase of the project involved significant amounts of environmental remediation. Cambria Contracting was able to handle all of the oils, grease and residues left over. All inline with EPA specifications.
Cambria Contracting has many projects like this in its history and is proud of the continued great work we do.
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